Tania Joy

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Playlist | Country 01



Soooo yes this is a little late for a Monday post (Last week on Instagram I promised that I'd post twice a week, on both Mondays and Fridays, hoping you guys will hold me accountable!) 

So here we go, already late on week 2... but it's still technically Monday.. ha! After a few requests, I've decided to put a little country playlist for you. It's probably not everyone's cup of tea, but a few of you asked and I was actually in the process of creating a playlist for myself so thought I'd share!

I think in a past life I wore cowboy boots, lived in Nashville and listened to country music all day long.. I grew up listening to folk and country, so it's no surprise really. Although my country music taste are a little trashier than my dad's, I still love some old classics.

This is a fun playlist I made for you guys of some of my current and old favourites, I'll keep adding to it because it's still a work in progress, but for all of you who DM'ed me about some of the songs I've been listening to in the background of my Stories, this is for you ;)

I go through phases with my music (see this post ft. a playlist I shared a while back, so many of you have told me you listened to it on repeat! which is so cool!), and right now I'm deep into country, I listen to this all day long, and it makes me so happy.

I am a sucker for a good story, whether it's in a book, a photograph, a painting or in a song. This is probably the main reason why I love these songs so much... because nothing beats a good love story, or revenge story, or heartbreak story..! Am I right?!

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I absolutely adore Chris Stapleton, and could have easily added all his albums in there, so if you don't know him listen to the "From a Room: Volume 1" album. Also a big fan of Miranda Lambert, I've been listening to her for so many years I think I know all her songs by heart..! Anyway, I could go on forever, have a listen and let me know what you think!

Little tip, listen to it on shuffle, because the track order isn't on purpose and is grouped by artists.. trying to change that but it's a bit of a faf, so just click shuffle.