Tania Joy

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Jazz Night


During the months of July and August every town in France, big or small will have a village 'fête' - each vary wildy and is mostly dependent on the town's budget. It can range from hosting one of the current French pop stars for a concert to having just 2 food vans and 1 merry-go-round on the town square.

No matter the budget, they're always great fun. The whole village/town gets together late into the night, dancing under the stars, eating good food and celebrating summer.

One night in August we decided to all go join one of the fêtes two villages away. They had a special Jazz night which we hoped we could join for one of the concerts, but it was ticketed and we couldn't get in. but we still had good fun walking around, listening to little bands around the village and had a lovely dinner all together in the square.

I am so happy to be so close to my cousins - they are seriously like another set of siblings to me and Lizzie. We all get along so well, we're quite close in age and spent a lot of time with each other growing up. We tell each other everything and I'm just so happy we still get along so well. I can't wait to continue doing life with them by my side. I hope our kids will one day feel the same about each other :)

Outfit details below :)