A warm evening in Toulouse
Airport bathrooms selfies are a must - am I right!?
At the beginning of the week I packed a few dresses, a couple of bikinis and jumped on a plane off to the South of France. Home is still down there in a field lost in the middle of nowhere. The horses are roaming around, mum and dad have a few chickens for fresh eggs, the dog and the cats are coming in and out of the house as they please. It's my happy place. I realised I hadn't been back since January - it was definitely high time for my dose of French sun and regional cheeses.
I landed in Toulouse which is about an hour drive away from the house, mum picked me up, I immediately stripped off a few layers of clothing and off we went - Lizzie (my little sister) currently lives in the pink city, so we decided to join her after work and have dinner together 'en terrace'. The heat was thick, the restaurants filled with people chatting happily over a glass of wine, summer was here and I couldn't have been happier.
I have never lived in Toulouse, we've always been relatively close to it and always came in an out either for some shopping, to visit friends or go to the big cinema (the ones in the country are tiny.. and show films 2 years after they've been released ;) - but I've always known that if I had to, I'd enjoy it. It's such a beautiful city, so much history, it's a lot of fun, especially in the summer when the sun stays up high until 10pm and you can wonder the streets to your heart's content in search of some good tapas or maybe a juicy entrecote with a side of salad and a chilled glass of rosé. Dreamy.
Now I'm home, I've been enjoying lying by the pool or mostly in it because it's so hot, I'm reunited with my family and pets. It's been a wonderful few days and I can't wait to share more with you! If you don't already you can follow me on Instagram/Snapchat/Twitter over at @taniajoyfjane. See you there!