Tania Joy

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Zoo Days

Taronga Zoo is quickly becoming one of my favourite place to go when you feel a bit adventurous, you wake up with that safari feeling and all you can do to shake it off is go see some Giraffes doing their thing in front of the breathtaking Sydney skyline.


That's what happened last week, actually it was the littles' birthday (the ones I nanny) they were turning 3 so of course we had to make it memorable with some 'nanimalz' and nutella pancakes.

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True love ^ ^ ^


These gals are my favourite. They are so majestic while being so awkward at the same time oh and they eat leaves all day long. You rock girls.


I still can't shake that feeling of sadness when I visit a zoo, this one is a good one but still, it's not natural for a tiger to live in a confined space with nothing to hunt or nowhere to swim and run freely.. I am a hypocrite saying this because.. well I'm still buying a ticket to get in, and hey I'm promoting them here on the blog, but I try my hardest to see the pros & cons, you know maybe they are making a difference in animal conservation through zoo-breeding programs (they recently had a baby chimp amongst others..) What's your opinions about zoos? Love them, hate them or not quite sure like myself?